Heal Yourself 1:1 Online Course

 Experience powerful and life-changing healing in ALL areas of  your life  

Healing your body, your emotions, your relationships, your business or your life - it all comes down to raising your vibration, understanding who you really are and expanding your level of consciousness.  

With my 12 Session Heal Yourself 1:1 Course you will get the opportunity to raise your awareness and experience life-changing healing in all areas of your life. I will share with you how you can identify and release your own trapped emotions and limiting beliefs so you can boost Self-Love, raise your frequency and transform pain into peace.

  • Heart Wall Healing
  • Raising your Immune System Function
  • Releasing the root causes of physical and/or emotional symptoms
  • Identifying and releasing negative and limiting beliefs to promote Self-love, Self-worth, Confidence etc
  • Learning to Love, Accept and Forgive yourself and others
  • Releasing blocks and restrictions to your Life Force
  • Identifying negative energies and choices made in the past which are impacting your present life
  • Healing Past Life trauma
  • Understanding yourself and purpose at Soul level 
  • Learning to Muscle Test yourself (Kinesiology)
  • Coaching in Self-Healing Techniques and Energy Psychology
  • Understanding and Healing difficult relationships in your life
  • Mentoring and guidance for your spiritual growth and expansion of consciousness
  • Intuitive Energy Readings to keep you on track during the Course

This Course includes 6 Zoom Sessions for Coaching and 6 Remote Sessions where I work alone on your Healing and Akashic Record Readings


"I had Energy Healing sessions with Deborah and we released negative beliefs, my Soul Profile reading, Heart Wall release, released other trapped emotions and some releases through the Body Code as well. Each session left me feeling very positive and full of enthusiasm about my direction forward. I felt particularly lighter and brighter after my Heart Wall release. 

I came away with a fuller sense of how healthy my systems are and that I was on the right track. It was a very empowering experience and I now practice the Emotion Code on myself and my partner."

Chloe Tatum


Well, I'm feeling like a million bucks! I'm loving the feeling.  I feel at peace now....I feel ready to take on the world. I'm very excited 🙂 

 This is like a miracle!

Starlene Webb 
Maryland, USA

I have to say that working with Deborah is a pleasure and I'm delighted with the results!. I have recovered my confidence back. I'm seeing life from a happier perspective and I am smiling back again.

I highly recommend to work with Deborah to anyone who really wants to move forward in his/her life or wants to stop suffering and start living!

Thanks Deborah for all your help and love!

Carlos Ortiz 
Alicante, Spain

Single 1:1 Coaching and Mentoring Sessions 

also available
