The Emotion Code
The Emotion Code, Body Code and Heart Wall

Trapped emotions are the cause of many of today’s problems including depression, anxiety, phobias, stress as well as physical pain, headaches, digestive problems, skin irritations and much more.
We carry our life experiences within every cell of our body. Our biography becomes our biology.
Releasing trapped emotions raises your vibrations, stops you from over reacting and allows more life force energy to flow which, in turn, allows greater healing on every level of your body.

With Dr Bradley Nelson at The Emotion Code Seminar, Barcelona, 2013
I had severe pains in my stomach with anguish and vomiting for 14 months. Deborah worked remotely via email with me. After 3 sessions I felt really well and had no more pain. If some day I need your help again, I will get in touch with you. Thank you so much, Deborah, for your help. Best wishes.

For more information on The Emotion Code and how it works, check out this video:
Or to book your remote* Emotion Code and/or Heart Wall Healing session, message me with your full name, date and place of birth and make your payment of €120 via the Paypal link below
* remote sessions are where I work alone and then send you the notes afterwards via email with the list of trapped emotions released along with any other messages that come through for you at the time.
If you would like support in learning The Emotion Code for yourself along with other simple yet effective Self-Healing Techniques,
Book a Private 1:1 Online Coaching/Healing Session with me here:
Or get in touch to book a 1:1 in-person Coaching/Healing Session with me at
The Garden Retreat, Pego, Alicante:
We had 3 sessions... And I certainly feel that something has changed in me. I feel lighter, confident, happy..... Deborah’s way of working is very precise and thorough, and I believe that thanks to this she was able to get to a core issue that was stopping abundance, in all its forms, to flow into my life. Thank you Deborah.

Emotional Healing Coach, Vigo, Spain
I have to say that working with Deborah is a pleasure and I'm delighted with the results!. I have recovered my confidence back in my muscle testing and in my life in general, I'm seeing life from a happier perspective and I am smiling back again.But it is not only that results from the session have been great, but also I am grateful for her loving, caring and gentle approach, she really cares about you and pays you the attention we all deserve.I highly recommend to work with her to anyone that really wants to move forward in his/her life or wants to stop suffering and start living!Thanks Deborah for all your help and love!
Deborah has treated me for various ailments using The Emotion Code and The Body Code. Not only did she enable great results but she was also very knowledgeable about the treatment and offered me post-treatment support. Aside from Deborah's professional abilities, she is warm and personable with great people-skills. Highly recommended!

Global Client Development Advisor, London, UK
Heart Wall Healing
The Heart Wall is an energetic wall we subconsciously place around our hearts to protect us from negative feelings. Once Bitten Twice Shy. They help us not to feel pain which is great but they work both ways and prevent us from feeling true love and joy too. Releasing the Heart Wall allows positive emotions to enter, and exit, the heart. When we offer to the world a closed and protected heart, the Law of Attraction will see to it that we "attract" closed and protected hearts back into our lives. By releasing your Heart Wall, you can raise your vibrations and attract more love and joy into your life. This opening of the heart works on all energy levels and can really change a person’s life.
Check out the video below (11 mins) for more details on this amazing Heart Wall Healing to see if it is something you resonate with needing at this time in your healing journey.
"The Heart Wall Healing that Deborah gave me was the most profound energy healing I have ever had"
Rosie Segger, Reiki Practitioner, Valencia, Spain
"Wow! The Heart Wall Healing is the most potent healing I have ever experienced."
Dianne Schunemann, London, UK
"A very powerful therapy. Healing my heart wall has transformed me, releasing emotions trapped in the emotional body. And best of all, you can learn to do it yourself. Thank you always"
Carol TG, Valencia, Spain
Thank you for my Heart Wall Healing, Deborah, your attention to detail is incredible. I really like how you can go back to my Ancestors problems too.....I don’t know any other discipline that approaches healing in this way. Thank you for all your help. xxx

Positive Life Coach, Sussex, UK
To book your remote* Emotion Code and/or Heart Wall Healing session, message me with your full name, date and place of birth and make your investment of €120 via the Paypal link below:
Or get in touch to pay by bank transfer
* remote sessions are where I work alone and then send you the notes afterwards via email with the list of trapped emotions released along with any other messages that come through for you at the time.
The Body Code

The Body Code is an extension of The Emotion Code and covers the six main areas of the Body's health system. It is a comprehensive set of charts which can be used to locate and release imbalances which are blocking the body's natural ability to heal itself.
These areas are:
- Energies - Mental, Emotional, Offensive, Post Traumatic, Addictive Heart Energy and Allergy/Intolerance
- Circuits and Systems - Acupuncture System, Disconnections, Systems, Organs, Glands and Chakras
- Toxins - Dentist Toxicity, Microbial, Prions, Chemicals, Heavy Metals, Excesses and EM Spectrum
- Pathogens- Mould, Viral, Bacterial, Parasites and Fungal
- Misalignments - in the Skeleton, Connective Tissue, Organs, Glands and Systems
- Nutrition and Lifestyle - Colour, Sleep and Nutritional Deficiency, ph Imbalance, Dehydration and Magnetic Field
I too am an energy healer and a very intuitive person. And oh, how grateful I am to recognize when I have been truly touched by an Angel. From the very first contact with Deborah, I knew something was very, very special about this lovely, lady. In working with Deborah through proxy sessions, you can feel the presence of unconditional love flowing from her heart to yours. The presence of love, peace and calm eventually embrace your being while in session with her. Never have I experienced such a remarkable connection with any other healer that I have worked with.
In the most recent session that I had with Deborah, she used a variety of modalities with me. I am also certified as a practitioner in three of those modalities. Throughout the entire session, as she worked with me, I could actually feel energy shifting, and transformation taking place from within my mind, body and soul. It was remarkable and believable. When she was detecting mis-alignments in my spine, she actually identified the exact discs that were in my last medical report and currently I am 90% pain free since our last session. Deborah is truly an amazing healer. As I continue my soul journey during this life time, when in need of a tune up or an energy alignment, Deborah Jane Sutton will be the Earth Angel that I will certainly call upon. She is indeed a remarkable healer.
Marva B.
Energy and Intuitive Healer, PA, USA
Thanks for what you did for me last session. I feel quite different since. Mentally, emotionally and physically. My mind is like more peaceful. I feel like an energy pulse going through my right ankle. My legs feel like they have been massaged. I've been feeling a bit wobbly, as you said. I know something has changed inside me. I can't wait to meet you again and keep working on releasing things. I have other physical and emotional things I want to release. But most of all, I would like to learn muscle testing myself to be able to release my own trapped emotions. I look forward to learning more from you.
Alicante, Spain
Well... Today I feel super! I´m happy and excited.
After the first session I was very sleepy. I needed to sleep a lot and I had vivid dreams.
Difficult people in my life no longer trigger me and I don't feel any fear or anger towards them anymore. It's like I have power over my feelings and they don't.
Last night I had a feeling like I don´t need to worry about the future... I realized that I don´t need to worry about it because everything will be ok and whatever I decide to do, it will be amazing and I will succeed...
After the second session I noticed that I am more confident now about everything but specially about myself and my ability to succeed in everything I decide to do. I did even a trip this weekend... I suddenly decided to travel and it was awesome!!!
I have been feeling like a Vulcan full of power.
All the topics we worked on were the priority and I´m very happy with the notes. Actually, I am joyful!!!
Thanks as well for the PSYCH K and the Archangel Raphael cards. I really appreciate that and I will follow the advice.
You can be sure that I will recommend your work to my friends.
I took some time to write you because every moment I can notice a difference in my behavior and my way to face life.
I realized that my mind is working better. It is easier to do my job now... it's like my thoughts are more clear.
With my family and my people in my hometown, I realized how defensive I used to feel... I noticed that until a few weeks ago, when I suspected that I was about to meet someone I dislike, I used to start reacting like I need to hide something.......... This week I noticed that I no longer feel it.
I am following the dietary advice that came up and I feel much more energy and awake. But the more important is that now I feel that I have enough self love to keep it up... Like it's worth to work for a better health.
I also noticed that since our second session I no longer feel my other symptom and I am so happy because of this. And even other symptoms that I didn't tell you about have got better! Perfect!
Thank you so much for this help Deborah! I am all gratitude!!!

Civil Servant, Brazil