What is a Trapped Emotion
What is a Trapped Emotion
The Emotion Code (devised by Dr Bradley Nelson) is an example of Energy psychology, and like other holistic therapies, treatments and systems it revolves around releasing trapped emotions (negative energy) from the body.
To understand what a trapped emotion is we must first understand that EVERYTHING is energy – well, we don’t need to understand it exactly but to recognise it as the scientific fact that it is. Let’s face it, most of us don’t really understand how electricity works but we know and believe the light will come on when we flick the switch. We know we’ll get some answers when we “google” a question without really understanding how the internet works. In addition to everything being energy, everything vibrates at different frequencies – the higher the better – so there is truth in the popular phrases “good vibes” and “bad vibes”- good vibes being things that make us feel better ie raise our vibrations and bad vibes being the ones that lower our vibrations and leave us feeling worse.
Now we come to the fact that everything – even abstract things – are made of energy and have vibrations – namely our EMOTIONS and THOUGHTS. When we think a thought we are actually letting that energy pass through our bodies – good thoughts will be higher in vibrations and therefore healthier for us which is why POSITIVE THINKING is such a big deal.
It’s not easy to control our thoughts and there has been a lot of research into this. My two favourites are the wonderful pioneer in this field Louise Hay who recommends repeating positive affirmations which, in my experience definitely work although more recent developments and techniques have proved to be much quicker. Secondly, the amazing Bruce Lipton PhD who is currently bridging the perceived gap between science and spirituality with his work on the physical effects of our emotions and thoughts (The Biology of Belief, 2007).
Anyway, I digress. The point is that when we feel something (emotion) it is in the form of energy passing through our bodies. Sometimes, in the case of severe trauma or bereavement for example, we don’t or can’t fully process an emotion and our bodies shut down. Perhaps we just go “numb” or we deny ourselves the right to feel that way and we bury the feeling deep inside. Well, it may help you to function better at the time but that’s a big ball of negative energy to be “buried” in the body. It has to go somewhere and this, in itself, is an interesting realisation. Where does the negative energy decide to lodge itself?
If the body already has a weak area then the new negative energy will most commonly find its way there – creating a nest of emotions – over time creating a bigger and bigger blockage to the naturally flowing positive energy that’s trying to pass around the body. This blockage then creates an imbalance where pain, mal-function and disease can occur. The actual location within the body can also be relevant to the emotions being trapped. It has been well documented that different organs and glands in the body relate to different emotions. For example, the bladder and fear (hence people want to wee themselves when scared), the lungs and sorrow, liver and anger and so on.
When we think about our most traumatic times it is easier to understand that we may well have trapped negative emotions. For example, the feeling of rejection or betrayal after a relationship break up or the emotion of abandonment when our mother doesn’t defend us as a child against a violent step father………but these trapped emotions can also be from less significant events. A 3 year old who has lost his favourite toy could trap emotions of lost, anxiety or despair. Or a small child getting lost in a shop could trap emotions of panic – and we have all experienced these things.
We can also have compounded trapped emotions. Once we have trapped an emotion, the next time we feel that emotion it compounds with the existing trapped emotion to make the feeling more intense. Counsellors commonly call this concept ” Big Bells Little Bells” when we over react to a situation because the small emotion we are feeling is triggering off a larger trapped emotion from within. This can also make us more vulnerable to trapping that emotion again in the future.
Furthermore, to complicate matters we also have “inherited trapped emotions” which are basically passed onto us at the time of conception from either biological parent. They too, could have inherited it from their parents and it is common to find these inherited trapped emotions spanning back through the generations. Releasing these inherited emotions can often bring immediate relief to ailments – it’s almost as if they have built up strength and impact as they have passed down the gene line and it is important to note that once released they have been released from the WHOLE gene line forwards as well as backwards. The thought of inheriting negative energy from our parents is always easier to handle than the thought of passing it onto our children. This passing on of negative energy to our children can often fill us with guilt but luckily The Emotion Code gives us a quick, easy and effective way to release this harmful, negative energy and bring about natural healing and balance to the body thus promoting good health in all areas of our lives.
For more information on The Emotion Code and how it can help you please contact