The Heart Wall and Why You Need to Release Yours

heart wallWe have referred to the concept of a wall around our hearts metaphorically for years and the phrase “Once Bitten Twice Shy” carries truth for many of us. We protect ourselves from heartbreak and pain by “switching off” our feelings and in some more severe cases we can live life “comfortably numb”.

What many people don’t realise is that we can and do literally build a wall of negative energy (trapped emotions) around our hearts to prevent painful, negative emotions from reaching the heart. This may seem, initially, a very practical thing to do in some cases but you need to realise – the negative emotions are already in your heart and they are trying to get out and be expressed but the wall is blocking them from doing so. And not only that, but the wall works both ways – it also blocks your Divine Love and Light and positive emotions of peace, harmony and joy from radiating out from the heart.  Your reality is a reflection of the emotional frequency that you are so it is important to open your heart and allow the innate love from within you to shine out. This will then be reflected back to you in a more loving reality.  

We are all energy and all energy vibrates at certain frequencies. Emotions are energy that vibrate too and the more positive the emotion the higher the vibration eg the feeling of love vibrates at a higher frequency than the feelings of shame and guilt for example.

The more positive energy we have, the more positive energy we radiate and the more positive energy we attract. 

By releasing the negative energy creating your Heart Wall you allow positive energy to radiate out from the Heart (naturally occurring Love and Joy for example) which will create true Love and Joy from others in your life as well as higher frequency thoughts, opportunities, friendships, ideas, activities and more positive experiences in general.

If you radiate out to the world your protected and guarded heart with its limited feelings you will attract back to you someone with the same frequency. This may explain any repeat negative behavioural patterns that you have experienced in your life and, in particular, with your relationships. 

Release your Heart Wall and, not only can you break that cycle of wrong partners, wrong jobs, wrong people showing up in your life but you can also feel more love, joy, harmony and peace in all areas of your life.

In my experience of working with The Emotion Code I have found that releasing the Heart Wall is the first port of call, so to speak, when seeking healing in any area of your life. The Heart is really the centre of our being – phyiscally, emotionally and energetically so the effects of releasing the Heart Wall can be felt on all energy levels. 

As an Emotion Code practitioner releasing Heart Walls is what I do!! But in additon to that, I am passionate about teaching others to use this amazing emotional healing technique for themselves. It’s so simple to learn and amazingly effective and empowering. I am passionate about helping others Heal themselves to Happiness!

I see The Emotion Code as being a life-changing life skill that will not only improve your life, but allows you to help those you love too. 

Whether you book a Heart Wall Healing session with me or learn how to use The Emotion Code for yourself,  releasing your Heart Wall enables you to enjoy the freedom and joy that comes with having a truly open heart.

Love and Blessings

Message me if you’d like to learn more

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Cheryl Lee - March 8, 2021

Hi Deborah, a friend referred me to you and I would love a clearing with you!!!!

    Deborah Jane Sutton - March 8, 2021

    Thank you Cheryl 💙💜 I will email you when done 💙💜 Love and Blessings

Gill Chadbon - March 19, 2021

Deborah released my heart wall and the effects were unbelievably quick! I felt the ‘mud’ I’d been wading through disperse and was able to give and receive love again! I understand how energy works but you dont need to for this to work its magic.

    Deborah Jane Sutton - March 19, 2021

    Thank you Gill for your comment. So glad it helped. Love and Blessings

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