3 Essential Steps to Self-Healing

1) Love Yourself
I know this will either make you smile or cringe, right? Truly loving yourself is not easy and certainly not something you can achieve overnight and it’s not easy to “measure”. Some of you reading this may not even know if you truly love yourself or not. The best guideline is by looking into a mirror – can you look straight into your own eyes and say “I love you (your name)” ? Try it and you will probably respond in one of the following ways:
cringing big time
laughing out loud
smiling broadly
wanting to cry
Needless to say, smiling broadly is the one that shows that you DO love yourself so if you responded this way – well done – congratulations!
The other 3 answers show that you’re either not quite there or far from it. The best and pioneering teacher for learning to love yourself is, of course, the lovely Louise Hay. Reading her book “You Can Heal Your Life” is a must (or watching the film of the same name) – there’s plenty of Mirror work and Affirmations.
The truth is that if you can’t truly love yourself, how can you expect anyone else to truly love you? And if you can’t truly love yourself, how can you truly love anyone else? Many of us have limiting and sabotaging subconscious beliefs, for example, “I’m not good enough”, “I’m not worth loving”, so being able to release these and replace them with positive statements, for example, “I am worthy”, “I love and accept myself as I am”, “I am loving, lovable and loved”, is essential. Repeating Affirmations is definitely an effective way to do this even if the words do get stuck in your throat at first but they do take time.
PSYCH K is also an amazing tool whereby we can literally change such limiting beliefs that do not serve us through brain integration activities.
If you are struggling with the affirmation “I love and accept myself” why not begin with “I am willing to love and accept myself”. You wouldn’t be reading this if you were not willing!! Get comfortable with that first and the rest will flow.
2) Giving Gratitude
This is the one that often goes in one ear and out the other. Stop – think about it. I mean really giving gratitude. I started “counting my blessings” a few years ago by just acknowledging my mother, sister and son in my life each day as I passed the wind chime in the hallway on my way out every morning. To be honest I didn’t think much about it but slowly over time I added people, then later things to the list of blessings to be counted. Then I started writing them down in a little notebook – the more I did this, the more the Universe gave me to be grateful for. It’s all about matching vibrations. If you complain and send out the negative vibrations of complaining, the Universe will match it by giving you more things to complain about. If you send out the positive vibrations of Gratitude – Like attracts Like – it’s Physics! The Universe has to match it and you will just keep getting more and more things to be grateful for. I’ve now got notebooks and journals full of my blessings – I find a quiet spot and a quiet moment – each page headed with the date and Today I am Grateful for: – the list goes on and on. Use your senses – what can you see that you’re grateful for? What can you smell? What can you hear? How do you feel? If you’re poorly or sick be grateful for the bits of you that are healthy. If you’re not happy with your body, be grateful for the bits you are happy with. Find something to be grateful for……..the Universe will take it from there!
3) Learn to Muscle Test Yourself
This is such an amazing tool to have – being able to tap into your subconscious mind to find out exactly what your body wants or needs in order to heal itself!
Everything is Energy – It’s Physics again! Energies (thoughts, emotions, food, substances, beliefs, etc) that are good for us, and that our bodies need, make our bodies stronger and this is felt by our muscles literally getting stronger. The Energies from substances that our bodies don’t want (try it with cigarettes or chocolate!!) will make our muscles weaker. If you are a beginner at this try The Sway test first. Stand up straight, relax and focus on something you love, that makes you feel good. Think of the word “love” and your body will gently sway forwards. Now, change your thoughts to something negative – a violent event in your life or a war scene and the word “hate” – see how your body reacts to the negativity. Does it sway backwards this time?
Click here to watch video on learning to Sway Test
Muscle testing does take some practice and there are many different ways to test your muscle strength. My favourite is known as the Ring in Ring method and involves placing your fingers together as in the photo below and gently trying to pull them apart.
Practice by saying a true statement, for example, “My Name is ________” and feel the strength of your fingers or the sway of your body. Now say a false name and feel how your fingers go weaker or your body sways backwards. It may feel just like a subtle difference at first – but a significant one. Now you can try it with some foods – try obviously bad foods first. Place chocolate, for example, to your heart and muscle test or sway test and acknowledge the strength of your muscles and the direction that your body moves. Now try again with a piece of fruit. Can you feel the difference? Remember, we are just trying to measure the strength of our muscles to establish the difference between a positive and negative response. We are not trying to break through the fingers on purpose! We are acknowledging the difference in our muscle strength between a positive and negative response.
Every body is different and we can all develop food intolerances when we’re stressed so what’s good for one person may not be good for another. If you only eat foods that you test positive for, your body will thank you by making you feel so much better!
This skill is invaluable especially in today’s world of processed foods when, to be honest, we don’t really know what we’re eating!
Food is our medicine and equally in today’s world food is our poison. Now you can self medicate on the right foods for your body.
For more information on any of the above, or other Self Healing techniques, please email me at deborah@deborahjanesutton.com.