33 Quantum Truths to wake up to in this Great Awakening
- Loving yourself is more important than you realise – Anita Moorjani was right – your life depends on it
2. Your level of consciousness is your salvation……………and your new currency
3. Needing nothing, attracts everything
4. You are creating your reality through the vibrational frequency of your thoughts, beliefs, emotions and actions
5. Your “reality” is actually a holographic projection of your energy and never has the frequency of your thoughts, beliefs, emotions and actions been more important to your future
6. Keeping them all positive is a priority
7. Understanding energy and raising your vibration is going to become your main focus
8. You are the whole Universe in one human being
9. There is no one else
10. Others in your life are a reflection of a part of you. Sometimes a part of you that you like and sometimes a part of you that you don’t
11. Due to #10 Forgiveness is always ultimately about forgiving yourself
12. Others cannot trigger you. They are merely reflecting back to you an emotion that already exists within you
13. The above emotion is asking to be acknowledged so it can transmute into love
14. Your animals really are your best friends
15. Random acts of kindness are the quickest and easiest way to shift your energy when you feel low
16. Being in nature is more important to your health than you realise
17. Faith carries you
18. Willingness to change is a pivotal point in your evolution
19. Television programs do just that – and it’s not a good thing
20. If you’re not excited, you are not on the right path
21. Your heart expands when something is right for you. It contracts when it isn’t. Learn to tell the difference
22. Laughter is a necessity not just a pleasure
23. People can only process information at the consciousness level that they are at
24. Although everyone can process the energy of Love on some level
25. Your children are more conscious than you realise
26. Heaven on Earth is not a place – it is a level of consciousness
27. Love is not an emotion – it is a state of Being
28. Dancing to your favourite music is better for your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health than you realise
29. Doing what you love is a necessity not a luxury
30. You cannot solve a problem while still in the energy of it. Taking a few deep breaths will help you respond from a higher perspective
31. You are never alone
32. Your relationship with yourself is quite literally everything
33. When in an expanded state of consciousness, miracles occur
Please remember #17
Faith is like an Inner Knowing – it carries you to miracles
With Love and Blessings
Heal yourself to Happiness: A Simple Guide to Raising your Vibration and Achieving the Health, Prosperity and Love you Desire
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