How to get Affirmations to work for you
You can’t start a piece on Affirmations without first mentioning the lovely Louise Hay who is undoubtedly the Queen of Affirmations and certainly her book, You Can Heal Your Life, was the beginning of my conscious journey to inner love, peace, acceptance and joy. This, by it’s pure nature, led to my improved health, abundance, vision and happiness. For this reason, not only am I a big fan of Affirmations, but I also love helping others understand How and Why they are so important to Self Healing and Happiness.
However, I have had a number of clients who have complained that they don’t feel comfortable with saying Affirmations because they feel empty or the sentences get stuck in their throats for the simple reason that they perceive them as “lies”.
Let’s take the example,
“I love myself so I lovingly feed myself nourishing foods and beverages.”
You may not have learned to love yourself yet and indeed it may just bring to your mind the fact (and guilt and shame) that you regularly eat junk food and drink fizzy drinks. (I was going to write “alcohol” there but I honestly believe that fizzy drinks are more poisonous to our bodies than alcohol but that’s another story!)
If this is your reflex response thought to this Affirmation then you can either focus on the love you do have for yourself and the aspects of your diet that ARE nourishing – even if this is small – at least it’s TRUE and by repeating it morning, noon and night you will find that you will slowly love yourself more each day AND slowly increase the amount of your diet that is “nourishing”. But you do have to do it – believe me it works!
If this still does not resonate with you and it just makes you feel worse (we can’t have that) then you can downsize the Affirmation.
For example, by using the words ” I am changing” or “I am Willing”
“I am changing the way I think about food.”
“I am willing to let LOVE into my heart.”
“I am willing to improve my diet.”
We can do the same for Abundance Affirmations too. When trying to manifest more money into their lives many people get stuck because they are focusing on what they DON’T HAVE rather than what they HAVE. If you focus on “lack” then the Universe will give you MORE “lack”. This is where there is an overlap with manifesting through Gratitude and The Law of Attraction. It’s all the same concept. I’ve said it before and I’m sure I will say it again! Everything is Energy. We emit a vibrational frequency and by the pure nature of Science (yes, Science!) the Universe will bring back to us that SAME frequency. So if you emit energies of Gratitude it will bring you MORE things to be Grateful for. If you emit LOVE, it will send you MORE LOVE. It’s SO simple! Some people refer to it as “The Secret” (Rhonda Byrne’s famous book and film) but I prefer the word “Concept” because, to me, it’s such a logical CONCEPT.
So as you focus every morning, noon and night on the nourishing aspects of your diet, the good things about your body, the things you DO have and are grateful for and the abundance you actually already have, the Universe will match it and bring you MORE. Now that’s ABUNDANCE!
How to Boost the Power of Your Affirmations
To help you raise your vibrations try visualising as you say your Affirmations – visualise the body you want to have (make sure it’s YOUR body you visualise and not anyone else’s – you have no idea what’s inside other people’s bodies), visualise your bills paid, visualise driving the car you want, visualise a soul mate, visualise the activity you want to be doing ………………I mean REALLY imagine you already have it. SEE it – what does it look like? SMELL it – what does it smell like? HEAR and TASTE it. FEEL it – what does it feel like? SENSE the whole thing. Now THIS will raise your vibrations to receiving whatever it may be. If a negative or contradictory thought enters your head – just let it go – and keep going.
Some people find Affirmations are more powerful and effective said while doing yoga, for example. Personally, I find repeating them while swimming is powerful but then you have to find YOUR “thing”. The thing that makes your Heart Sing – and say them then!
How Often Do I Need to Repeat my Affirmations?
I have said repeat them morning, noon and night but really I mean much MORE than that! When you first wake up, while cleaning your teeth, while in the shower, while doing your hair, while driving to work, if you’re busy all day at work say them when you got to the loo – just keep saying them. Try and say them with total BELIEF. Even if none of this is resonating with you and you still don’t believe they can work STILL just SAY them. I had no idea how powerful Affirmations could be – I just repeated the first set of Affirmations from Louise Hay’s book – and said them without knowing or believing any of this – it was only later on that I realised all my Affirmations had come true! Honestly – it was like OMG! I have and I am everything that I’m saying – Wow! Whether it was physical manifestations or my perception of things that had changed is an interesting point to explore but that is another story! They had ALL become, indeed, TRUE for me.
So I quickly wrote out 8 more Affirmations to fit my new desires. I also took these from Louise Hay’s film “You Can Heal Your Life” because they were all encompassing and relevant to me (to everyone I don’t doubt) but you can make your own up or find the best ones for you from the exercise at the end of this piece.
How Can I Word my Affirmations?
Affirmations always need to be in the present tense – if you say, for example, ” I will have a beautiful body”, “I will have an increased income” then the Universe will match that vibration of NOT having it NOW. So keep your Affirmations in the present. Also, keep them more general in nature – the word Abundance is great – it covers so much.
Try not to be too specific – the Universe works in mysterious ways and it’s not up to us to ask “How” something will be manifested – this, in fact, can hinder manifestations. Trust that the energy will do its thing if YOU do your bit. Very often the Universe manifests things in a way we could never have imagined so by focussing on the “hows” you are limiting your desire from coming to fruition.
Focus on what it is you want rather than what you don’t want and don’t use negatives in your Affirmations. For example, the statement “I don’t have debts” will not work because it gives its attention to the idea of debt and guess what? yes – the Universe will match it with more debt. If you say “I have more money ” – this is better but you are still focussing on the idea that you don’t have much NOW or not as much as you want – there is still a sense of LACK. Compare it to,
“I welcome money into my life.” “I am prosperous.” “I welcome prosperity into my life.” “I welcome Abundance.” You can progress to “I can easily pay my bills.” “I am a magnet for money.” etc
Why Should We Repeat Affirmations so many times?
What we’re actually doing here is reprogramming our subconscious minds which brings us onto the overlap between Affirmations and PSYCH K which is the amazing belief changing modality based on integrating the brain to accept new, positive beliefs and so releasing the existing, limiting and self sabotaging belief. We program our minds from a very young age usually from our parents, teachers and other significant adults in our lives at the time. We are totally unaware that we do it and for this reason we are often unaware that we are limiting ourselves with such beliefs. Thought and therefore belief, is energy and, as always, the Universe will match it. If you were told as a small child, for example, that you didn’t deserve to have something or you weren’t worthy of having something and you BELIEVED this – by continuing to believe this, your beliefs will make it true and the Universe will bring you more situations where you feel unworthy. By installing statements (Affirmations) of “I am Worthy” and “I deserve…” “I am loved..” etc the Universe will match this and give you situations whereby you can feel your worth and loved. This can, and does, change people’s lives around as we build so much of our lives on our BELIEFS especially the beliefs we have about OURSELVES.
Installing new beliefs is quicker with PSYCH K but we still encourage clients to repeat their new beliefs as often as possible to reinforce them. We can’t spend our whole day practicing PSYCH K (a few sessions would be a good idea though!) but we can (and do) run thoughts through our heads all day………….it’s up to you to make them positive,
“Thoughts Become Things – Choose good ones” – Mike Dooley.
Which Affirmations Should I Use? EXERCISE
So here’s the Exercise. I have a long list of Affirmations here and I want you to slowly read them and acknowledge your FIRST thought response to each one. If you can read it comfortably then there’s a chance you believe it and you can move on. If your mind jumps to one or two things that contradict the statement then you could be nearly there but with some issues to clear up making this statement a good option for you to adopt.
Now if you repeat one and it gets really stuck in your throat – then that’s the one (or ones) you need to focus on the most. They are the ones you NEED. If they don’t resonate with you – then why not? Do you want them to be TRUE? If so write it down and start saying it – morning, noon and night 🙂
For those of you who can Self Muscle Test – repeat each statement and muscle test yourself – a positive response indicates that your sub conscious mind already believes the statement. You can muscle test on each statement until you find one that tests negative. That’s the one to work on.
The most powerful of all Affirmations
I love and accept myself completely
I am free to be happy and healthy
My body heals itself naturally and quickly
I choose to live a vibrant and healthy life
My mind, body and spirit are harmoniously balanced now
I lovingly nourish my physical body
I see beauty in all parts of my body
I love and accept my body as it is and as it changes
I now allow the healing energy of love to flow through me
Money is a wonderful tool that I use to create possibilities for me and for others
The universe is a friendly place and willingly gives me everything I need
I deserve to have all the money I need
I am proud of my results and I deserve my reward
It is ok to have more money than I need
It is ok to want to have money
I receive and accept money with love and gratitude
I allow myself to earn good money
I am ready, willing and able to be the best me that I can be
I allow my visions and dreams to become reality
I have the ability to create my life as I want it to be
I love, appreciate and accept myself completely
It is easy for me to give love to others
It is easy for me to receive love from others
I am worthy of having an intimate and passionate relationship
I am able to maintain my individuality in my relationships
My Favourite Affirmations – enjoy them and see the change!
All my relationships are harmonious
I am deeply fulfilled by all that I do
Every experience is a success
I deserve the best and accept it now
I lovingly listen to my body’s messages
I am happy, healthy, whole, complete and secure
I express gratitude for all that is good in my life
Each day brings wonderful new surprises
Everything I need to know is revealed to me
Everything I need comes to me in the perfect time space sequence
Life is a Joy and full of Love
I am healthy and full of energy
I am loving, lovable and loved
I prosper wherever I turn
I am changing and growing
I am an unlimited being, receiving unlimited abundance from an unlimited Source in unlimited ways.
For more information on Affirmations and other forms of Self Healing and Energy Healing please contact deborah@deborahjanesutton.com