Why we need to love unkind people – The Bigger Picture
I had this quote (Be kind to unkind people, they need it the most) on the wall of my classroom for years in my primary school teaching days. When focusing on the school playground and its bullies, this quote was very effective. When faced with an unkind comment, I encouraged the children to turn to the unkind speaker and give them a hug! I think it was the embarrassment of the situation that stopped the young bullies in the end rather than seeing the error of their ways but either way, it was effective!
People realise now that most bullies are unhappy and inside they are hurting. They lack self love, love for the world around them and lack self-respect too. Most of us can take all this on board and let their comments go over our heads choosing to believe and understand that their comments are not really personal to us and that they say more about them than they do about us.
But where is the line here? How bad does the bullying have to be before we stop being so understanding? Is it when the bullying gets physical? Or does it depend on the reaction of the person being bullied? Whether they are affected by it and to what extent?
In the clip below, Prince Ea takes this concept to the extreme with his comments and title on Why I Love Terrorists. Suddenly it doesn’t seem so easy to apply this “Be Kind to Unkind People” idea, eh? although terrorists are surely just the playground bullies all grown up, no?
Prince Ea
What I’d like to do, though, is to explain how all this loving unkind people really works – it might help you react more lovingly to challenging situations in the future.
If you haven’t come across it before, I’d like to introduce you to Dr David Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness.
The number relates to the frequency at which that particular emotion vibrates. So basically, negative emotions vibrate at lower frequencies than positive emotions, which is why releasing low vibrating trapped emotions is key to raising your vibrations. Obviously, we can feel a range of emotions but this relates to our overriding emotional state (or rather it’s the overall average of our emotions that determines our consciousness level). So which emotion on this chart best describes your feelings the majority of the time? It gives us a good indication of what frequency your body is vibrating at (we can actually measure this with our muscle testing skills)
As we know, like attracts like. So, we attract experiences, people, situations and emotions that resonate with the same frequency as us. If we radiate anger energy we will attract anger energy. Again, that’s why we want to literally raise our vibrations as much as we can so we naturally attract a better quality of life in all areas. Keep in mind that every moment of our day we are either moving towards health or sickness depending on the emotion we are feeling and that explains why it is so crucial to think – and feel – positively.
Right, here’s the really interesting bit – which I also found in Dr David Hawkins’ book Power vs Force.
In 1994, when the book was first published, the overall average level of human consciousness stood at 207. I’d like to think it’s slightly higher than this by now. Human consciousness was dangling at below the 200 level (190) for many centuries before it suddenly rose up to 207 some time in the mid 1980s. For the world to stay at levels below 200 over a prolonged period of time would cause a great imbalance that would undoubtedly lead to the destruction of all humanity. The power of the few individuals at the top of the chart (ie: those with a higher frequency) counterbalances the weakness of the masses.
And here are the most interesting facts.
- 85% of the human race calibrates below the critical level of 200 where their overriding emotion is negative. If you look at the world today, you can see this. Even a lot of do-gooders are angry, right?
- 1 individual at level 300 counterbalances 90,000 individuals below level 200
- 1 individual at level 400 counterbalances 400,000 individuals below level 200
- 1 individual at level 500 counterbalances 750,000 individuals below level 200
- 1 individual at level 600 counterbalances 10 million individuals below level 200
- 1 individual at level 700 counterbalances 70 million individuals below level 200
- When one’s consciousness falls below 200 at any given moment they start to lose power and thus grow weaker and more prone to being manipulated by one’s surroundings.
- Everything calibrates at certain levels from weak to high including books, food, water, clothes, people, animals, buildings, cars, movies, sports, music etc.
- A lot of music today calibrates at levels below 200. Hence it leads to behaviour associated with lower energy levels of consciousness.
- Most films will weaken people who watch them by bringing their energy levels down below the 200 level of consciousness.
So, you can see now, how looking after yourself and raising your vibrations will raise your consciousness level and therefore counterbalance more people with a lower level frequency. This in turn will help raise the overall level of consciousness of the planet creating more world stability and peace. So this is how you owe it to world peace to do whatever you can to raise your own vibrations and make yourself feel as good as you can. Self- care not only feels good, but IS good for you, those around you and the whole planet.
This also explains why I refuse to watch cruelty to animal videos. It’s not because I am a hypocrite and want to pretend it isn’t happening – that’s not the case at all. But watching a heart breaking clip will only result in lowering my vibrations, filling my head with negative images and thoughts and how will that help the animals? Whatever I choose to do about animal cruelty will be more effective and helpful to them with my vibrations and consciousness level as high as it can be.
In addition to this, responding to bullies and other violent perpetrators with anger and revenge will not only result in lowering your vibrations but also result in lowering those of the planet as a whole. Sending love, however, will help raise both the offenders frequencies and those of the whole planet. See? After all, we are all connected, right?
This does not mean we are accepting, condoning or approving of violent behaviour – of course not – but love really is the answer here and sharing it with everyone, especially those who need it the most, really is the way forward. This becomes clear when you can see the bigger picture.