Say “I can” to expand into who you really are!

“I can”

If you have been following my work for any length of time, you will know the importance I place on being able to muscle test yourself. The easiest way to do this is by using the Sway Test. I appreciate that most of you will be pretty confident by now with this amazing tool for communicating with your body, your sub-conscious and consciousness itself, so if you are already confident in using this amazing skill in your life then please skip the following instructions and join us again on the other side of them.

If, however, Sway Testing is something new to you, here’s how to do it.

How to Sway Test

1. Stand upright with your feet hip width apart and your arms relaxed by your side. If you are a yogi, stand in Tadasana!

2. Face forward but close your eyes. Take a deep breath and allow it to go all the way down to your belly. Relax your shoulders and continue breathing slower and deeper. Feel your body naturally sway. You are made of energy and energy likes to move!!

Even when standing still, feel the movement within your body. With your breath. With your thoughts.

3. Keeping your eyes closed and your body relaxed, take your attention to your feet and feel how you are involuntarily using the muscles of your feet to keep you upright. Lean forward a little to activate the muscles in your toes as they take more of your weight. Now activate your heels as you lean backwards. See how your feet work to keep you from falling. Focus on this because you will want to feel when you involuntarily lean forwards or backwards.

4. Now say your full, correct name…..”My name is…Full Name” – see where your body naturally wants to sway. Say the same now with a false name that means nothing to you. Where do you sway?

5. Say the word LOVE and bring to your mind visions of loving people, places and thoughts – where do you sway?

6. Bring to your mind the word HATE and visions of cruelty and violence towards you and others. Which way do you naturally sway?

You can do the same with foods and other objects. For example, take an apple and hold it to your heart. Ask the question – is this apple good for my body? See which way your body moves. If the apple is good for your body, you will sway forwards. If not, you will sway backwards.

Take some time to really breathe into your body and your awareness. Keep your body relaxed.

Now do the same with your cigarettes/wine/beer/sugar/chocolate – is this “item” good for my body? Give yourself a few seconds to absorb the energy of the item/words/thoughts. Which way do you naturally sway?

Our bodies naturally strengthen and sway forwards with energy that is good for us – positive energy. With energy that is congruent with our own energy.

And our bodies naturally contract and weaken with energy that is not good for us.

Think about it. When you smell something “good” or meet someone you love, you instinctively move towards them. However, when you walk into a room with a horrible smell, or someone you dislike intensly comes towards you – you instinctively contract and your body wants to draw away from their energy.

Listen to your Body
OK so welcome back to those confident Sway Testers among you!
Get ready to Sway Test yourself. Relax. Close your eyes. Inhale long and slow. Spend a few breaths tuning into your body and your body’s natural flow.What I want you to Sway test now is the words, “I can” and the words “I can’t”.Really feel the effect these words have on your body. Some of you may be able to feel the effect on every cell of your body. How do these words make you feel?

With the clients and Yoga students I have been working with this summer, and with myself, of course, the feeling of expansion comes to every cell of the body when you say the words “I can”.
Compare the feeling with the words “I can’t”.
Can you feel your body and your cells contracting?

The word expansion is key here.

You are probably aware of this galactic wave of new energy that has come in recently. It really is empowering us with all that we need to express ourselves at Soul Level or as I like to say to express our Divinity within our Humanity. It is quite literally enabling us to expand our consciousness. To expand into our Divinity. And this week’s Full Moon really marks the final releases needed in order to be the new you. The You who you came here to be!

It has been the end of an energy cycle and we are presently at the beginning of a new, glorious energy cycle. It is bringing with it new ideas, new directions and new desires. You may well have found yourself getting excited by things you never thought would excite you. Where does this excitement come from?  It is the Universe speaking loud and clear to you.

However, I am still seeing among my clients, students and friends people ignoring this excitement. When I ask what is stopping them from doing what they love on a bigger scale, they always give me a sentence that starts with “I can’t” or “I am not..”.

The world is full of nay sayers and people stuck in their comfort zone. Don’t let these people put you off. Disregard anything that comes out of your mouth or mind beginning with the words “I can’t” or “I am not”.  We have already seen from the sway test above – these words are not good for your body!!! These words are not in line with who you really are!! These words do not help you expand.

If you would like some healing and help with installing positive beliefs please do get in touch. PSYCH K is an amazing belief changing modality that has helped many clients and retreat guests install empowering beliefs.

And please don’t worry about making mistakes. Look at them as ways to help you tune into your intuition more clearly.

As Bob Ross says,

“We don’t make mistakes, we just have happy little accidents” 
Here’s a quote on the topic of mistakes from the man himself, Albert Einstein
Big ideas are coming in. Where do they come from? and more importantly, why have they come to you? these are the dreams to follow.

Remember, you wouldn’t have had the dream or idea unless it was one you could bring to fruition. Go for it! Think BIG. Dream BIG. What is stopping you apart from the phrase “I can’t”? And we know that that is not good for you.

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