We See Things as We are………even our Finances
I’ve written recently about the importance of questioning our beliefs. I am frequently amazed at how deep rooted our beliefs actually run within us. One of the beliefs that people seem to struggle with is the concept that every relationship in our life is a reflection of ourselves. Each person we encounter is reflecting back to us aspects of ourselves. Understanding this concept can be used as a learning and self-realisation process which can bring around amazing transformation and healing. This has become so clear to me lately, and has helped me find so much joy, peace and gratitude in so many areas of my life, on so many levels that I just had to share!
The more we learn to love ourselves, the more we find ourselves surrounded by loving people. Of course, this reality becomes so clear when we realise these loving souls are just reflecting our loving nature back to us. It’s all about self-love!!
The people that trigger us and push our buttons are in our life for the sole purpose of helping us see and acknowledge aspects of ourselves that we do not love. They help us see where we need healing.
Instead of getting angry, frustrated and irritated by them – seeing the bigger picture allows us to feel gratitude towards them as we take on board the valuable lesson within their difficult behaviour.
What if we could take this one step further and apply it to other relationships we have in life…………..
Like, for example, our relationship with money!
What if our financial situation was merely just a reflection of our beliefs around money?
Of course it is. Suddenly it all makes sense, right?
Money, like everything else manifested in this physical world, is just energy and its presence or absence in our life, like everything else, is created through our own thoughts and beliefs. And as with people in our lives, we have stories about money too. Lots of stories about money. And they are just that – stories!! Not real. Not true and not relevant. Only thoughts that don’t serve us. Thoughts that we would feel a whole lot better not having!
If you believe you can’t afford something – you will be right! The words “Can’t afford” are energetically really harsh. Remember you are affirming your intentions with your words at all times. Instead you could say things like, “I will buy it another time” or “I don’t need whatever it is today” rather than “I can’t afford it”. Think about the emotions within you that come up when you think and say the words “I can’t afford it”. How does saying these words make you feel? What other thoughts pop into your head when you say the words “I can’t afford it”? Is there some resentment, bitterness or even anger? Is there some part of you giving your power away and viewing yourself as some sort of financial victim?
It’s not about whether you can afford something or not. It’s about the emotions and thoughts you attach to not being able to afford something that do the damage. From an energy point of view, it is the emotions and thoughts around money that are keeping you from having more of it.
If you think people around you are greedy with their money – it will be a reflection of an aspect of yourself. If you feel that people around you are stingy, it, too, will be a reflection of some aspect of yourself on one level or another. Whatever uncomfortable feelings and thoughts you have about money, and other people and their money, will be a reflection. A sign that it is time for some financial healing as in releasing the fears, shame, guilt and hatred, for example, you feel towards money and/or the people that have it.
If you haven’t read the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, I strongly recommend that you do. Understanding we only have the present moment – I mean really getting to grips with that reality, is life changing. If you are going to change your relationship with money, you have to do it in this moment because there is only ever this moment. There is no future. Tomorrow never comes. The future is always just a thought. We always think we don’t have enough money but that’s usually just because we never want to spend ALL we have. Because of thoughts and stories about needing it for “tomorrow”.
Haven’t you ever noticed that, in fact, you always have enough? You always have enough for what you need? If you follow your intuition when spending and stop all the negative talk in your head about money and not having enough – you will see, in this moment – and that’s all we ever have – this present moment – you have everything you need. In fact, I would go as far as to say, you probably have, right now, MORE than you need.
“Galore, galore, I have everything I need and more”
So let’s say you have (only) €200 in your bank account. I put the word “only” in brackets because for most people on the planet today, that is a fortune!! I read somewhere recently that if you have $3000 or more in savings, you are in the top 10% wealthiest people on the planet right now! Just saying!
Anyway, back to your €200. Would you spend €20 on a massage? Or a hair do? Or whatever else makes you feel good? Most people say no, they wouldn’t. When I ask why, they simply say, because I’ve only got €200! But in reality, you can not only afford the massage, hair do or whatever, but you can afford it 10 times over. You actually have 10 x more money than you need!!

Sara Landon
As with healing any past trauma in life – it’s not about changing the events, it’s all about changing the emotions you have attached to those events. It’s the emotions that cause damage in the body. It’s the emotions that attract more of the same to you. It is the emotions that you need to change or release. It is the same with healing your money!
Fear and Love cannot co-exist. Fear is the absence of Love. If you feel fear when looking at your bank account, that fear will attract more of the same to you. If you can detach from the fear you feel when looking at your bank account or when talking about money and nurture a sense of gratitude for all that you do have instead, you will be well on the road to healing your financial situation and your relationship with money.

If you want someone to love you, first love yourself. Think of money as love. If you want to receive it, you need to give it. And one of the best investments is to spend it on yourself. You are not giving the money to yourself directly of course. You are giving the money to a charity, or the hairdresser, massage therapist, the online course you’re interested in, the shop keeper……………you are supporting someone else and displaying a love for yourself. Win win. If you want the Universe to give you more money, spend more on yourself! Money can’t flow in if money doesn’t flow out!
If you want a guideline for understanding when you are spending and investing money wisely and when you are wasting money – I say this: consider who is benefitting from your purchase. If the purchase enables you to give more to others in some way then it is a wise investment. If the purchase is something that really makes your heart sing then it is a wise investment. If the purchase raises your vibrations and, in turn, the vibrations of those around you then it is a wise investment. If your purchase is in the highest interest and benefit of all then it is a wise investment. I am not suggesting you spend more money than you have in your bank account! All of this is within reason of course.Your intuition will guide you on this.
Play this game with yourself. Everytime you get a bill or an invoice, catch yourself before fear and negative emotions flow through you. Instead, express gratitude that you have the means to pay for it. Genuinely. Fill up with the energy of gratitude. See what happens.
Let me know how you get on.